07/05/2010 at Abraq Al Habari and at Jahra Pool Reserve
I visited this morning once again with Brian Foster Al Abraq and later on Jahra Pool reserve. Mahmoud Al Sehab joined us in Al Abraq and followed us to Jahra Pool Reserve. In Al Abraq the most common warbler was Syke’s Warbler that we estimatied to have been around 50+ which is unusually high number. Olivaceous was much less numerous and we saw only 3-4 birds. Other notable birds were: Night Heron 1, Squacco Heron 6, Cattle Egret 2, Steppe Buzzard 1,Corncrake 3, Semi-collared Flycatcher 1 very late male, Woodchat Shrike 1, Lesser Grey Shrike 1, Red-backed Shrike 1.
At Jahra Pool Reserve the highlight was two alarming White-tailed Lapwings. We have to follow whether they really are breeding in Kuwait. Other birds were: Night Heron 1 oiled juvenile, Squacco Heron 1, Red-necked Phalarope 100+, Curlew Sandpiper 30, Spotted Crake 3, Purple Swamp Hen 3, Clamorous Reed Warbler 2, Woodchat Shrike 1, Lesser Grey Shrike 1, Red-backed Shrike 1.