12/01/2013 at Jahra Pool Reserve

Today were not many birds but I managed to see the two Mesopotamian Crows, which are the 1st record of this species which looks as though it is going to colonize Kuwait. Birds seen included Ferruginous Duck 1, Tufted Duck 2,Wood Sandpiper 3, Water Pipit 12, Greater Flamingo 30, Horned Grebe 2, Little Grebe 2, Black-necked Grebe 5, Westren Great Egret 2, Barn Swallow 10, Pallid Swift 20, House Martin 1, White Wagtail 12, Marsh Harrier 3, Common Kestrel 1, Eurasian Coot 3, Moorhen 2.

Pallid Swift Apus pallidus

Pallid Swift	 Apus pallidus

Pallid Swift	 Apus pallidus

Common House Martin Delichon urbicum

Common House Martin Delichon urbicum

Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus

Greater Flamingo	 Phoenicopterus roseus

Western Great Egret Ardea alba

Western Great Egret Ardea alba