20/02/2008 at Jahra East Outfall and Kabd Reserve
At JEO: Abdulrahman saw Common Chiffchaff 8 (no call of the wintering Chiffchaffs was heard), Moutached Warbler 2 (one heard then seen, the other in another location only heard calling but not seen), Black-headed Wagtail (feldegg) 3, Bluethroat 1, Marsh Harrier 1, Barn Swallow 10+, Little Crake 4 (2 females & 2 males), White Wagtail 10+, Water Pipit 4+, Common Snipe 2, Eurasian Skylark 6.
At Kabd: Dr. Gary saw Tawny Pipit 3, Common Chiffchaff 2, Eurasian Hoopoe 1, Southern Grey Shrike 1, Black Redstart 1, Menetries’s Warbler 1, Dunn’s Lark 8-10, Black Crowned Sparrow Lark 30, Lesser Short-toed Lark 1, Eurasian Skylark 80-100, Common Kestrel 1.
A Moustached Warbler photographed by A. Al-Sirhan.

A Menetries’s Warbler photographed by Gary Brown

A common Chiffchaff, photographed by A. Al-Sirhan

A Siberian Stonechat, variegatus ssp. photographed Gary Brown

A Little Crake, male photographed by A Al-Sirhan