22 – 27.4.2013 in various places in Kuwait
My friends Markku Varhimo and Erkki Virolainen visited Kuwait. This is summary of the highlights of the week. On Green Island, 22.4, we had our first Basra Reed Warbler but no more Hypocolius. Next day produced Syke,s Warbler at Jahra Pool Reserve. During the week we had 4 Basra Reed Warblers and we heard two more Clamorous Reed Warblers too. Little Swift was in Al Abraq on 24.4. Next day we saw Socotra Cormorant at Fahaheel shopping mall. In port Zour we had about 250 Bridled Terns. Since Afghan Babblers breed in Kuwait, they are relatively easy to find. We visited the site on 26. of April and we saw 4 birds without disturbing their breeding.
Syke’s Warbler (Iduna rama) 23.4, Jahra Pool Reserve

Little Swift (Apus affinis) 24.4, Al Abraq (This is just a record shot since the species is new to me in Kuwait)

Socotra Cormorant (Phalacrocrorax nigrogularis) 25.4, Al Kout Shopping Mall, Fahaheel (Note slim head without any yellow and pale panels on the wings)

Afghan Babbler (Turdoides (caudatus) huttoni, 26.4, Abdaly Farms

Purple Swamp Hen, (Porphyrio p. seistanicus) 27.4, Jahra Pool Reserve