22/04/2010 at Khiran Resort
I had one more bird survey at Khiran Resort this morning. Of course, many migratory birds showed up as well as some summer visitors. Namely Bridled Terns, White-cheeked Terns, Little Terns, Sandwitch Tern and Socotra Cormorant. Migratory birds were mainly shrikes (Isabelline, Turkestan and Red-backed) but there was also on small island European Nightjar and one Purple Heron flew over. It was particularly nice to see Kentish Plover chicks in the area proving their breeding.
Bridled Tern (Sterna anaethetus) standing on the marker where we used to have few Socotra Cormorants.

Little Tern (Sterna albifrons) I tried hard to find Saunder’s Little Tern but in vain.

Socotra Cormorant (Phalacrocorax nigrogularis) fishing in shallow water

Kentish Plower (Charadius alexanrinus) and one out of three chicks. Here typical number of eggs is not 4 as it is with European waders but 3. This must be a some sort of adaptation to hot climate.