Kabd Reserve, 13-14/04/2008
Many of the migrants observed on 12/04 had moved on by the following day, though the Eurasian Wryneck observed near the main gate was seen again on both 13/04 and 14/04.
On 13/04, birds of interest included 6 Steppe Eagles, 8 Lesser Kestrels, 3 Namaqua Doves, 1 Hoopoe Lark. A group of 3 Dunn’s Lark obliged by allowing close-up views for several minutes.
On 14/04, highlights included 3 male Montagu’s Harriers, 1 Purple Heron (resting in a small grass field), 1 Cattle Egret and 2 European Rollers.

Montagu’s Harrier

Purple Heron

European Roller