Recent Photographs by Rashed.
On 14/02/2008 Rashed has photographed an Alpine Swift a scarce bird is usually seen in small number, the bird was foraging over Jahra East Outfall.
The Alpine Swift

Another photograph of the Alpine Swift

On 12/02/2008 Rashed found and photographed the Black-headed Wagtail Motacilla flava feldegg ssp., the abundant ssp. of Yellow Wagtail in Kuwait, one of the first arrivals to Kuwait after the breeding season. It breeds in SW of Iran c. 500Km from Kuwait, it is possible for it to breed in Kuwait in the future.

On 11/02/2008 Rashed found and photographed a Clamorous Reed Warbler, a wintering species in Kuwait, this bird is usually seen higher at reed stems. I had a talk with Rashed regarding the smaller bird that he had seen two days earlier, with short wings (suspected of being Blyth’s Reed Warbler) he noticed as I did as well, that this small skulking bird was always seen at or on stems near ground, it was noticebly small and can’t be a Clamorous Reed Warbler as suggested by some people. I think what ever that bird is, it can’t be a Clamorous Reed Warbler.
A Clamorous Reed Warbler