03/05/2008 at the Sulaibiya Pivot Fields
The Pivot Fields were alive with migrants over the weekend. Other birders (Brian, Pekka et al.) also turned up. The following species were noted:
Little Bittern 3, Purple Heron 2, Squacco Heron 30+, Cattle Egret 80+, Glossy Ibis 6, White Stork 1 dead, Imperial Eagle 1, Pallid Harrier 1, Marsh Harrier 6, Common Buzzard 3, Black Kite 2, Lesser Kestrel 30+, Little Stint 15+, Wood Sandpiper 12+, Green Sandpiper 2, Common Redshank 2, Curlew Sandpiper 6, Ruff 2, Ringed Plover 1, Black-winged Stilt 2, Collared Pratincole 1, Black-winged Pratincole 1, Eurasian Hoopoe 1, European Bee-eater 25+, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater 5+, European Roller 2, Barn Swallow, 150+, Sand Martin 30+, Isabelline Shrike 30+, Red-backed Shrike 80+, Woodchat Shrike 1, Steppe Grey Shrike (pallidirostris) 1, Lesser Grey Shrike 10+, Masked Shrike 1, Namaqua Dove 6, Yellow Wagtail 60+, Rufous-tailed Scrub Robin 2, White-throated Robin 1, Redstart 2, Whinchat 5, Spotted Flycatcher 10+, Northern Wheatear 4, Pied Wheatear 5+, Sedge Warbler 1, Marsh Warbler 1, Basra Reed Warbler 1, Barred Warbler 2, Pale Rockfinch 80+, Ortolan Bunting 5.
Glossy Ibis

Cattle Egret enjoying a snack

Steppe Grey Shrike (pallidirostris)