31/10/2008 at Abraq Al Habari
Today’s highlight was a flock of Penduline Tits. Richard Saval found the birds on previous day. So it was time to photograph these small masked beauties. Dead Sea Sparrows were still around too. I photographed birds posted below together with Abdulmohsen Al-Suraye.
Penduline Tit 6, Dead Sea Sparrow 4, Spanish Sparrow 25, Chiffchaff 15, Red-breasted Flycatcher 3, Robin 1, Red-throated Pipit 1, Water Pipit 2, White Wagtail 2, Barbary/Peregrine Falcon 1, Kestrel 1, Sparrowhawk 2, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater 3.
Penduline Tit (Remiz pendulinus)

Penduline Tit

Penduline Tit. Juvenile bird.

Dead Sea Sparrow